The Riverfront plan is here!
Join us on Wednesday, June 12, as we present our new riverfront plan at the McKinley Park Library. Over 600 neighbors were part of the events leading up to this community-driven plan, and we’re so excited to share it with you! What: South Branch Connectivity Project: Framework Plan launch! Where: McKinley Park Library When: Wed, 12 Jun at 6:30 PM Why it’s exciting: Neighbors have worked together for an entire year, finding ways to connect parks, expand greenspace, and create new opportunities for transportation and recreation on the riverfront. -
Backward River Festival
MPDC and a number of other community groups will be participating in the Backward River Festival: Damen Silo City this Saturday at Canalport Riverwalk (near the Damen Silos) from 2-6PM. Led by the UIC Freshwater Lab, the festival will offer: Live theatre and musical performances Talks about the Silos’ past, present, and future Hands-on activities for all ages MPDC will be giving a short talk and hosting a table about our future riverfront path. -
Damen Silos Federal Demolition Permit
Public Meeting on Damen Silos Federal Demolition Permit On Thursday Feburary 1, 2024 , the Army Corps of Engineers is hosting a public meeting regarding federal permitting for the demolition of the Damen Silos at our very own McKinley Park Fieldhouse. Check out our Damen Silos Demolition Fact Sheet if you need a refresher on what’s been happening with this iconic property. What: Army Corps of Engineers’ Public Meeting about Demolishing the Damen Silos -
Information on Settlement with MAT Asphalt
Information on Settlement with MAT Asphalt 13 December 2023 If you currently live or previously lived in certain parts of McKinley Park, Brighton Park, and Back of the Yards, you may be eligible to receive funds in a class action settlement with MAT Asphalt. Eligible households are highlighted on the map at the bottom of this document. We want to be sure that every neighbor has the information they need to make their own informed decision about whether and how to participate in the settlement. -
Meet the Architect
We are a Welcoming Community
October 19, 2023 Today Brighton Park and McKinley Park experienced a heartbreaking event. At a protest over the proposed tent camp at 38th & California, racist sentiments were expressed by a faction of attendees. Alderwoman Julia Ramirez and a member of her staff were physically attacked. While recognizing that the majority of people in attendance acted peacefully, the McKinley Park Development Council unequivocally denounces the hateful rhetoric and behavior demonstrated by those who did not. -
Clearing the Air
There has been some misinformation about MPDC circulating lately, implying that we have decision-making power when it comes to city property, policy, and contracts. That is simply untrue. As winter approaches, we are concerned about the precarious situations asylum seekers are facing. The city has asked all Chicagoans to help identify places for asylum seekers. In the spirit of this request, we asked one of our contacts to connect with city officials. -
Riverwalk Fall Fun!
What: Fall Fun Riverwalk Event Hosted by MPDC When: Sunday, Oct 22 from 2-4 PM on the Riverwalk Where: Behind the Halsted L stop (see flyer for map) Why: As you may know, we are currently designing for an expansion of the riverfront path from Western Ave to Ping Tom Park. What better way to get excited about this initiative than spending some time with neighbors on the riverwalk? Details: Urban Rivers will be with us to talk about their floating islands and wildlife along the South Branch. -
Wheatland Tube Public Meeting
Public meeting Tuesday, Oct 3 regarding the future of the Wheatland Tube site at 4435 S Western Ave. While this location is not technically in McKinley Park, it’s a part of Back of the Yards that many of us frequent. Redeveloping it as a distribution center would have a significant impact along Western Ave, coming into our neighborhood. This is your chance to make your voice heard! What: Public Meeting on redevelopment of the Wheatland Tube Site at 4435 S Western Blvd -
August Happenings 2023
Given the back to school schedules we usually take August off from public meetings, but there is still a lot going on. 35th St Zoning Meeting Wed, Aug 2 @McKinley Park Library 11th and 12th Wards joint public meeting on updating 35th St Zoning to allow more neighborhood businesses. This is the first step in actualizing the recommendations that came out of our joint efforts with UIC Urban Planning. Thanks so much to the 100+ neighbors who came out for those events! -
Public Meeting July 2023
Join us on July 20, 2023 for our monthly meeting, where we have a lot to discuss! Please bring a friend or a neighbor! And keep scrolling for info about other opportunities to get involved. What: MPDC Monthly Meeting When: 6:30 PM Where: Bethany Baptist Church Basement (3532 S Hoyne) Topics: 35th St Zoning UIC study final report First Steps on Riverfront bike/pedestrian path Proposed I-55 expansion Karis Cold Storage -
35th Street UIC Collaboration Presentation
We were thrilled to spend time with so many of you at the workshop with University of Illinois Chicago (UIC)’s Urban Planning and Public Affairs graduate students on May 31. You voiced your opinions through engaging hands-on activities and hopefully met a few neighbors as we examined possibilities for the revitalization of 35th Street and enjoyed a tasty spread from Chile Toreado restaurant! Even if you couldn’t make it to the workshop, we invite you to join us for the culminating event of this summer’s collaboration with UIC: -
Share Your Vision for 35th Street
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UIC + MPDC 2023
MPDC Collaborates with UIC Again in 2023! The MPDC is excited that we will once again be working with planning, policy and architecture students from the University of University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) to plan and dream improvements for the McKinley Park Neighborhood. This year, the UIC collaboration will be focusing on 35th street. Venues and exact dates and times are yet to be determined but we wanted to give you an advance heads up of what we have so far so you can save some (tentative) dates. -
Public Meeting April 2023
Our next public meeting is happening on Thursday, April 20th, at 6:30 PM at Bethany Church (3532 S Hoyne). While we highly encourage in-person participation, you can also join us virtually. If you are not yet on our mailing list, drop us a line and we’ll add you to the list and send the Zoom link. This month’s agenda will include: - A guest presentation from Andrew Fogaty of 36 Squared, a business incubator helping start-ups and small businesses in McKinley Park and Bridgeport to thrive and grow. -
Public Meeting March 2023
Our regular MPDC March meeting will take place virtually on Thursday, March 23 at 6:30 PM (Zoom information available via email). The agenda will include discussion of: The short list of Pershing Road RFPs presented by Chicago’s Department of Planning and Development (DPD) earlier in March of this year. A grant proposal to improve bike/pedestrian infrastructure along the riverfront. A recent public meeting with Chicago’s Department of Transportation (CDOT), including a proposal to improve a bike network connecting McKinley Park to Gage Park. -
Pershing Proposals Meeting Mar 7, 2023
Join Chicago’s Department of Planning and Development (DPD) amd MPDC for a virtual community meeting Tues. March 7, 2023 6 - 7:30 PM to learn about the proposals for 1769 W Pershing. We are excited to share with you additional information about the upcoming public meeting regarding the three proposals for the purchase and development of 1769 W Pershing that the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) has shortlisted for public comment. -
12th Ward Aldermanic Candidate Forum
Share your questions or register for childcare / share your accessibility needs at http://bit.ly/12thWard -
MPDC Urges Gov Pritzker to Halt the Damen Silos Sale
The Sale of Public Land Deserves Public Comment! The letter below was sent to Gov. Pritzker’s office on Dec 5, 2022, asking the state to stop the sale of the Damen Silos. This sale process was conducted without any public input, and the state claims they are not allowed to consider any factor other than price. Since the state won’t take community needs or plans into consideration, we are asking the governor to sell or transfer the property to the City of Chicago. -
November Meeting 2022
Greetings Friends and Neighbors! We wanted to inform you of MPDC’s upcoming public meeting this Wednesday, November 16th, at 6:30. The meeting will be in-person at the McKinley Park Public Library (1915 W 35th St). While we highly encourage live participation, you can also join us virtually (details coming soon). This month’s agenda will include: Chicago Workers Cottage Initiative A report from the Chicago Workers Cottage Initiative, which recently surveyed our area and will present their findings of the McKinley Park area Workers Cottages. -
September Meeting 2022
Development Proposal On Wednesday, September 21st, at 6:30 at the McKinley Park Library (1915 W 35th St) we’ll be having our September public meeting. The main topic for the evening will be a neighborhood development proposal for the northeast corner of Pershing Rd and Ashland Ave (3815 S Ashland Ave). The current proposal is for the existing building to be torn down and replaced with an ultra cold storage facility. -
MPDC Stands with Neighbors for Environmental Justice (N4EJ)
The board members of the McKinley Park Development Council express solidarity with Neighbors for Environmental Justice (N4EJ) and support their work to protect the air and water our neighborhood shares. Recently released data illustrates that many neighbors have filed complaints against MAT Asphalt to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. These complaints originate from all over the neighborhood, and we stand by all our neighbors who have filed complaints against MAT Asphalt. -
Share Your Vision for 35th Street
UIC TOD Collaboration Public Events
Normally we have our monthly meeting on the second Wednesday of the month, to discuss new projects, opportunities, and developments in the neighborhood. This month (May, 2022), we are doing something different. Our big collaboration with UIC’s Urban Planning Department begins this week, and we need you to be a part of it! UIC’s graduate students in architecture and city design are here to help us re-envision 35th Street and the area around the 35th/Archer L stop, including new housing on the vacant lot immediately north of it. -
UIC TOD Planning Collab
UIC TOD Planning Collaboration The MPDC is excited to note that our collaboration with the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) begins on Monday, May 15, 2022. We will be hosting workshops for envisioning what we would like to see happen in our Transit Oriented Development (TOD) areas. The specific areas that UIC will be focusing on are: 35th/Leavitt empty lot 35th/Archer Orange line Portions of 35th Street -
March Meeting 2022
Our next public meeting will be held via Zoom at 7pm (CDT) March 16, 2022 Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) Workshop MPDC Board members participated in a CBA workshop in January of this year. At the workshop we presented some ideas and recommendations on how to formulate a CBA. A CBA could especially help neighborhood with larger developments potentially including our manufacturing districts on Pershing and Ashland. We will review the workshop and look forward to hearing your thoughts on the topic. -
January Meeting 2022
Hope you’ve had a great weekend despite the cold. We will be hosting our online monthly, public meeting this Wednesday, January 19th, at 7pm. We’ll be discussing a couple of things at the meetings that have to do with new potential projects in the neighborhood and with updates to existing projects and efforts that we’ve informed you of previously. If you are on our mailing list, you should have already received an email with the meeting link and call in information. -
Ward Map Hearings Update
Every ten years, Chicago re-draws its ward maps after the census numbers are released. The Chicago City Council Committee on Committees and Rules will hold Public Hearings on the 2022 Ward Map Redistricting Process this week and next. One of the maps they are considering splits McKinley Park into multiple wards in an even worse way than it already is. The MPDC supports the December coalition map which keeps all of McKinley Park in one ward. -
Chicago Works Community Challenge
The Chicago Works Community Challenge is a $10M community investment initiative that will provide funding of up to $1.5M for infrastructure investments in each of Chicago’s seven planning districts. Help get some of that money invested in McKinely Park by taking the following survey: 中文调查 Encuesta en español Survey in english See the City’s website for more information about the Chicago Works Community Challenge -
35th & Archer Orange Line ETOD Vision Pilot
Chicago needs more healthy, walkable, bikeable, and affordable neighborhoods. MPDC is one of 11 teams whose projects will promote equitable transit-oriented development (ETOD) here. We’re part of the inaugural eTOD pilot class. Created by a partnership of Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Elevated Chicago and Enterprise Community Partners, our project will join 10 others in accessing microgrants from a pool of $160,000 in funding, plus technical assistance to community-driven development projects near transit stations across Chicago. -
September Meeting 2021
The MPDC will be having a public meeting to discuss all the goings on since our last meeting. There has been lots of activity taking place in the neighborhood that we would like to share with you. Everything from grant applications we have filed, to the latest on neighborhood developments, to the latest census results and ward redrawing. Please join us at: 7pm Wednesday (September 15th) to discuss all of these and much more. -
Celebrating Katie Flores
Saturday, July 31st Memorial Ceremony at 1:00PM Join the Flores family in celebrating the life of MPDC founding board member Katie Flores in two of their favorite places. A Memorial Ceremony will take place at McKinley Park, near the Lagoon at 1:00PM. We will have approximately 100 chairs, arranged in both rows and socially-distanced, but feel free to bring your own lawn chair (please, no blankets). Parking will be available at the McKinley Park Fieldhouse (southwest corner of the park, off Pershing Rd) and on the south side of 37th Street. -
May Meeting 2021
We will be hosting a public on Wednesday, May 19th at 7pm. The meeting will be held virtually. If you are on our mailing list, you should have already received an email with the meeting link and call in information. (If you are not on the mailing list, let us know via email and we’ll add you to our list.) We’ve received a number of updates regarding various projects, efforts, and developments in the neighborhood that we’d like to share with you all. -
April Meeting 2021
We will be hosting a public on Wednesday, April 21st at 7pm. The meeting topic will be about housing and the different methods / tools available to the community to keep housing affordable for current and new residents. If you are on our mailing list, you should have already received an email with the meeting link and call in information. (If you are not on the mailing list, let us know via email and we’ll add you to our list. -
February Meeting 2021 - rescheduled
Due to unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances last week’s meeting had to be postponed. The good news is that it isn’t for long and that we have rescheduled it for THIS Wednesday, February 24 at 7pm. If you are on our mailing list, you should have already received an email with the meeting link and call in information. (If you are not on the mailing list, let us know via email and we’ll add you to our list. -
Community Broadband Survey
McKinley Park Connected Communities is a community-driven broadband initiative for McKinley Park. Inequities in internet connectivity have negative effects on our community. The McKinley Park Development Council is developing an initiative to increase internet access and affordability in the neighborhood. We need your help to determine what residents need and want. Your participation in this survey will help us identify underserved areas of our community, so we can attract internet service providers with faster, more affordable, and more reliable services. -
2020 Board of Directors
The McKinley Park Development Council’s annual Board of Directors election for 2020 is complete and we are happy to announce that the results bring both new energy and perspective to the council. We want to first thank all of the nominees. This year’s selection was a highly diverse group of extremely qualified candidates and the neighborhood is lucky to have you. Your willingness to volunteer is appreciated and we encourage you and more residents to continue to be involved in your community. -
2020 Board Candidates Election
It is time for our annual Board of Directors election and your votes will help shape the board to best reflect our neighborhood (assuming you live in McKinely Park). Step One: Watch candidates for the MPDC Board of Directors introduce themselves at the November 18, 2020 public (online) meeting: You can also read their bios here Step Two: Register to vote by sending an email to: [email protected] Then: Vote for candidates via: this form -
MPDC Clarifies its Postion on Affordable Housing
The MPDC signed an open letter clarifing its postion in favor of affordable housing and against air pollution. A PDF copy of the letter is here -
Black Lives Matter
The McKinley Park Development Council was founded with the mission to collectively foster economic, cultural and social development through the connection of residents, institutions and enterprises for the benefit of the McKinley Park neighborhood of Chicago. We at the McKinley Park Development Council stand against the systems that lead to the tragedies of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Laquan McDonald, and so many more. We acknowledge these injustices and we hope to work together as an organization with our staff, friends, local police and supporters on how to establish real and significant change in our community. -
Meetings Update - Covid-19 2020
We hope you are all keeping as calm and healthy as possible! Until social distancing is no longer deemed necessary, we are not holding live meetings. We plan to post a video update here later this week. Stay tuned! Small business loans and grants information: https://www.sba.gov/ https://esdcchicago.org/grants-and-loans https://polsky.uchicago.edu/covid19-resources/ During “normal” times, we make an effort to rotate our monthly meetings among local businesses and institutions in order to help support our local gems. -
March Meeting 2020 - Cancelled
We hope you are all keeping as calm and healthy as possible! We are canceling our March 18 meeting, in order to help each other maintain the social distance that will kick this pandemic out of the park! We make an effort to rotate our monthly meetings among local businesses and institutions in order to help support our local gems. And in this time of canceled meetings and quarantines, we want to encourage all of you to continue to support our local businesses! -
February Meeting 2020
We are excited about our upcoming meeting, this Wednesday (February 19) at 7pm. This month we will be meeting at one of our newest neighborhood gems, Pochos Restaurant, at 2025 W 35th Street. Pochos has generously offered to provide complimentary beverages, and several items off their new lunch menu will be available for purchase. We’ve asked them to talk about their vision for the restaurant, their journey to opening it, and the process and challenges involved with opening a restaurant. -
January Meeting 2020
Mark Kinsella will discuss McKinley Park history and the prospective launch of a local historical society. Absorb our storied history and make connections with fellow local history buffs. Wednesday, January 15, 2020 7pm - 8:30pm. Aquinas Literacy Center 1751 W 35th Street Chicago, IL Special thanks to our host, Aquinas Literacy Center We hope you can join us! -
MPDC Holiday Party at One City Tap!
Once a year we take a pause from the organizing, educating and networking to reflect and celebrate. (Ok, some networking might happen.) Play neighborhood bingo for fun and a chance to win prizes! Join as at One City Tap 3115 S. Archer Chicago, IL 60608 Wednesday, December 18, 2019 7:00 PM Food! Pizza or something like that from neighborhood restaurant(s). Cash Bar featuring $5 craft beer! -
November 2019 - Chicken Plant Public Meeting
In lieu of our usual monthly MPDC meeting, we urge McKinley Park residents and other interested parties to attend the community meeting on the chicken processing facility proposed for a site on Ashland immediately north of the Ashland Avenue CTA station. The meeting hosted by 25th Ward Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez and 11th Ward Alderman Patrick D. Thompson is at 6:00 PM, Wednesday, November 20 at the Park 571 boat house. -
McKinley Park Neighborhood Plan Recommendations
McKinley Park Neighborhood Plan Recommendations Here are the Neighborhood Plan Recommendations by CMAP shown and discussed at our October, 2019 meeting. If you have any input on these recommendations or questions about them, please send an email. -
Preview the McKinley Park Community Plan
The MPDC in conjuction with CMAP, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, will present a draft of our neighborhood plan. The meeting will begin at 7 pm at the McKinley Park Fieldhouse. The neighborhood plan will provide policy direction in the areas of land use, economic development, housing, mobility, sustainability, and building capacity and partnerships. Join us in providing feedback, comments and questions. Wednesday, October 16, 2019 7pm - 8:30pm. -
Equitable Transit-Oriented Development
Equitable Transit-Oriented Development See the Equitable Transit-Oriented Development slides by the Metropolitan Planning Council shown and discussed at our September, 2019 meeting. -
September Meeting 2019
What is Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and what could it mean for McKinley Park? Get a TOD Primer from planners at Metropolitan Planning Council - and look at some potential McKinley Park examples with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning Wednesday, September 18, 2019 7pm - 8:30pm. Kristoffer’s Cakes 1735 W 35th St Chicago, IL Special thanks to our host, Kristoffer’s Cakes We hope you can join us! -
Annual Board Elections Meeting! July 17, 2019
MPDC will be holding our annual elections at our meeting tomorrow. The meeting will begin at 7 pm at the McKinley Park Fieldhouse. It promises to be a quick - but important! - meeting. We have two new candidates up for the Board, in addition to two existing members, who are up for re-election. Candidates needed to live or work in McKinley Park, and have been involved with MPDC in the past. -
Neighborhood Plan Visioning Workshop!
Please join us on Wednesday, May 15, 2019 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the National Latino Education Institute (2011 W. Pershing Road, Chicago, IL) as we continue our process to create a neighborhood plan for McKinley Park. The meeting will begin promptly at 7:00 pm with an overview of eight months of research, analysis, and outreach activities that have culminated into an assessment of existing challenges and opportunities in McKinley Park. -
Spring Meetings!
We’ve got a full schedule of opportunities for McKinley Park neighbors to connect, learn and make our great community even better. A highlight of this spring will be the Neighborhood Plan Visioning Workshop in May, co-hosted by Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, our partners in developing a plan for the McKinley Park neighborhood! The meeting is happening at the National Latino Education Institute, 2011 W Pershing Rd 会议正在进行中 National Latino Education Institute, 2011 W Pershing Rd -
MPDC Endorses the Carbon Fee And Dividend Resolution
The MPDC signed a letter urging Alderman Cardenas and the Chicago City Council to pass R2017-915, a Resolution Calling for Support of National Carbon Fee & Dividend Legislation, which urges that the United State Congress to pass Carbon Fee & Dividend Legislation as a key element in reducing the risks of climate change. A PDF copy of the letter is here -
February Meeting! February 20, 2019
Join us at Razzmatazz Family Fun Center, for our February monthly meeting. We are still working out the agenda and will summarize that here as soon as we figure it out. Wednesday, February 20, 2019 7pm - 8:30pm. Razzmatazz Family Fun Center 3900 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, IL 60609 (773) 376-2900 Special thanks to our host, Razzmatazz Family Fun Center! We hope you can join us! -
MPDC Holiday Party at One City Tap
Once a year we take a pause from the relentless organizing, educating and networking to reflect and celebrate. (Ok, some networking might happen.) Join as at One City Tap 3115 S. Archer Chicago, IL 60608 Wednesday, December 19, 2018 8:00 PM Food! Pizza or something like that from neighborhood restaurant(s). Cash Bar -
C40 Survey re: 1717-1819 W. Pershing Road
The City of Chicago’s Department of Planning and Development (DPD) is hoping you will take some time to complete this survey regarding your priorities for the future redevelopment of 1717-1819 W. Pershing Road, the site in McKinley Park for the C40 Reinventing Cities competition. The survey is located at this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QMDL39K. Survey responses will be accepted until 5pm on November 30, 2018, and will be gathered by DPD into a report for the two shortlisted teams who are currently working on their Request for Proposal submissions. -
November Meeting! November 28, 2018
Normally, the meetings happen on the third Wednesday of the month, but due to the holiday we are RESCHEDULING it to the following Wednesday, November 28th. Our guest speaker for the evening will be a member of the Citizen’s Climate Lobby. They will speak about new and existing legislation to address climate change and how it would effect residents in and around McKinley Park. We will also have updates on the CMAP neighborhood plan and MPDC’s not-for-profit status. -
October Meeting! October 17, 2018
Join us for our monthly public meeting at the McKinley Park Fieldhouse, for a presentation on a proposed development at 3211 S Archer Avenue, an update on the Neighborhood Plan and MPDC sub-committee workshops! Wednesday, October 17, 2018 7pm - 8:30pm. McKinley Park Fieldhouse - Brown Room 2210 W Pershing Road, Chicago, IL Special thanks to our host, The Chicago Park District We hope you can join us! -
Development Proposal for 3211 South Archer
Here are some images and questionaire responses for a proposed development at 3211 South Archer Avenue. Jimmy Hsu of Kale Realty will present this proposal to the community at the MPDC monthly meeting on October 17, 2018 at the McKinley Park Fieldhouse at 7:30 PM. If you have questions or concerns about the proposal, let us know via email and we’ll forward your concerns to the 12th Ward Office. 3211 S Archer Site Plan -
Focus Group Connects McKinley Park Businesses to Neighborhood Plan
All local businesses should attend the McKinley Park Neighborhood Plan Business Focus Group at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 19, at the 36Squared Business Incubator, 3636 S. Iron St., Chicago. This essential breakfast meeting engages local enterprises in a first-of-its-kind networking event and forum for the McKinley Park Development Council’s neighborhood plan project, conducted in conjunction with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP). RSVP promptly by contacting Ricardo Lopez at -
Neighborhood Planning Survey
Share your priorities for your community by taking an online survey to weigh in on the future of McKinley Park. -
Bubbly Creek: Past, Present, and Future!
Inspired by the great work of Our Great Rivers, in conjunction with the Chicago Maritime Museum we are happy to present a panel discussion on the Past, Present, and Future of McKinley Park’s eastern border, Bubbly Creek. Join us on August 22, doors open at 6:30pm with a panel discussion beginning at 7pm. Get there early to meet some neighbors and enjoy some light food and drink. Admission is free (but donations to the museum will be welcome). -
Development Proposal 3453 S Western
Here are some documents for a proposed townhouse development on the northeast corner of 35th and Western. The contact for this proposal is Tony Ng, he represents Montgomery Construction. If you have questions or concerns about the proposal, let us know via email and we’ll forward your concerns to the 12th Ward Office. 3453-59_S_Western_Ave_design.pdf 3453_S_Western-Phase_II_report_7.10.18.pdf Site Plan Referencing Contaminating area.pdf -
MPDC’s Dayna Calderón takes WDCB’s Brian O’Keefe through our neighborhood and gives him some background on a relatively unknown pocket of the city. Listen to the segment on WDCB’s First Light. -
Join us on July 18 for the McKinley Park Neighborhood Plan public kick-off meeting
On Wednesday, July 18, 2018, the McKinley Park Development Council (MPDC) will host a public kick-off meeting for the McKinley Park neighborhood plan at the National Latino Education Institute between 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. At this public kick-off meeting, we want to hear what you think the McKinley Park neighborhood plan should address. All residents, business owners, community leaders, and other stakeholders from the community are invited to participate. Join us as we begin the process to create McKinley Park’s neighborhood plan. -
Great Rivers Survey
The Metropolitan Planning Council, Active Transportation Alliance, the South Branch Park Advisory Council, and Friends of the Chicago River want to learn how residents of Bridgeport, Pilsen, McKinley Park and Brighton Park want to see along the riverfront and how a riverfront trail could align with neighborhood priorities. Take the survey -
Board Elections and Nominations!
UPDATE: July, 2018 - All the nominees were elected at the June 20, 2018 meeting. Congratulations to the new board members and thanks everyone for voting! Greetings McKinley Park Development Council Members, I just wanted to follow up and remind you all about the upcoming board elections and that nominations are due by our next meeting, June 20th. Our board can consist of 8 to 12 members, so we are looking to add between 2 and 6 people to join the board. -
New Home Buyer and Landlord Seminar
Join Mark S. Javier from the McKinley Park Development Council for a New Home Buyer & Landlord Seminar, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 24, 2018, at Bethany Baptist Church, 3532 S. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. This information session and mediated discussion will focus on the issues pertinent to purchasing a home and operating as a successful and responsible landlord. Attend to connect with experts in the local real estate market and learn best practices for home ownership and managing tenants. -
Hey Kids - Lets Paint a Mural in the Park!
Calling all McKinley Park parents and children! Help the McKinley Park Development Council and the McKinley Park Advisory Council transform the abandoned playground bathroom building from graffiti magnet into a mural designed and painted by our children! Submit drawings on the sheet below by May 15 to [email protected] - or turn in at the Park Fieldhouse or Library. McKinley Park resident and artist Victoria Rodriguez will select and convert our children’s drawings into a mural that highlights the things we love about our neighborhood.